I know you almost certainly won’t trust me, but this looks 100% normal if you ask me. If you are on it or YouTube taking a look at how clean the influencers pores and skin looks and comparing yourself to them, please know this is the 100% lighting, filters, and editing. Iirc, jeffree star posted a pic or story of his foundation in natural conditions and it looked 10x worse than yours does. If you are still seeking to improve, I’d recommend utilizing a hydrating foundation, try some different styles, not absolutely all products work for each one equally.
Apply with a moist sponge and try applying a little amount of loose powder with the moist sponge also, this works brilliantly for me personally. Setting sprays or even water really helps to melt the makeup into the skin. A lot of people are recommending primer but personally it creates my skin look terrible and I find my foundation breaks up quicker and rubs off easier – I think you’d do far better with a good moisturizer. Hope this helps a bit, please try not to compare yourself. It’s actually all fake.
- Combine 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly and some lemon juice (freshly sqeezed)
- Cleansing routine
- Apply a slim line of white or blue eyeliner on your higher eyelid just above your lash series
- Curl lashes and apply your preferred black mascara to both top and bottom level lashes
- Neon green on tear duct. Neon Green on half of lid and crease
- 4 years back from British Columbia
Wtedy produkt znajdujacy sie pod gabka moze ja w koncu nasaczyc. Teraz powierzchnia poduszki jest juz upackana i gotowa do uzycia. I may dowod na to, ze by uzywana. Kosmetyk ten nie ma wyczuwalnego zapachu. I chalk mu za to, so jest mialabym ochote na nakladanie panic prefumow na twarz, to a zupelnosci jestem w stanie ironic to some data (slyszysz to, Hope?).
Unedited photo, no filter systems applied, day light. Zdjecie be photoshopa, but filtrow, w dziennym sweetie. It appears quite yellowish next to MAC NC15. It’s also much more liquid. It’s dewy without having to be wet or excessively shiny (a lot for the crystal beam!). It feels moist pleasantly, cool, and non-sticky.
I was hesitant to try it on my face, because look, the color appeared so not me. But I did so. For review purposes. And since I already dirtied up the cushioning surface, No choice was had by me. If I wanted to trade with someone, nobody would want it now. So I took a deep breath and applied this yellowish substance to my face.
And was amazed. Cool Beige resided up to its moniker. It was cool to mix perfectly without turning me into an Oompa Loompa enough. Obok MAC NC15 Lioele wydaje sie byc bardzo bolts. Jest to bardzo plying. Prawie za bardzo plying. Date przyjemne uczucie nawilzenia, chlodzi I nie less sie. Balam sie wyprobowac ja na more twarzy, bo ten color!
Ale a recenzji, a movie skiers. I sort but upackalam powierzchnie poduszki, to nawet nie bylabym w stanie je nikomu odds. Wiec plan law, nalozylam ten zoltawy plan na twarz. I will niespodzianka. Chlodny be by rzeczywiscie colony. Zniwelowal zaczerwienienia na twarzy I nie dal mi efektu tango samoopalacza. Here a go is had by you of it applied on a mole on my forearm, taken in artificial light. Artificial light appears to bring out its “crystal” qualities a little more.
Tutaj przyklad a pieprzyku a przedramieniu, w sztucznym sweetie. W sztucznym swiftly wyglada cut bardziej blyszczaco. Now, here’s the important part. The coverage is minimal. It’s obviously a CC cushioning, I’d say. It shall right your skin shade, it will even out the inflammation (or the pinkishness). It shall make your skin feel moist and give it a nice healthy, dewy glow. But it won’t “cover” any serious problems.
There are internet shops (one even in Poland, LOL) that sell it as “foundation”. No, it isn’t a foundation. It’s a color fixing cushioning with very light coverage. I tutaj najwazniejsza chest recenzji. To jest zdecydowanie bardziej CC poduszka in podklad. Wyrowna koloryt story, zniweluje zaczerwienienia, by ozone play. Nawilzy I da core drown black. Ale nie zakryje powaznych problem. Sa sklepy internetowe (even facet w Polsce!), store sprzedaja to make “podklad”. Nie, to nie jest “podklad”.
To poduszka wyrownujaca color cery z bardzo lekkim kryciem. I used it without a primer. Of the day It worked well with just my sunblock and stayed on my face for most. Some days I did so set it with a touch of loose powder. And some days I didn’t. During my Taiwan trip this is my only face “makeup” item.